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Sacred Magick Forums _ Chaos Magick _ Health

Posted by: konte Oct 5 2010, 08:31 AM

Does anyone know how to cast a ritual that works for improving health. For instance recovering from internal injury or desease?

Posted by: Xenomancer Oct 5 2010, 11:45 AM

Breath control, breath control, breath control.

The Buddhists of shaolin schools emphasized breath control in their training, and nearly all schools of eastern thought carry breathing exercises of breath control to be paramount to health. And with good reason, too, as all health would be moot without proper breathing.

Breath control allows some to, with conscious training, control body temperature, rate of bleeding from wounds, blood pressure, and in some cases, blood sugar levels and immunity. Stretching exercises may also help, as it gives light stress not only to the joints to stimulate them to "wake up," but also stimulated the internal connective tissues.

And have plenty of fruits! Citric acid is mandatory for aiding the krebs cycle in the body, which is mandatory for the metabolization of carbs, fats, and proteins into energy!! So, Fruits + Breathing exercises = Internal toning. For maximum results, consistently practice taichi. At the 4 month mark, before I unexpectedly had to quit, I already noticed a remarked difference in my energy levels and my thought processes as well.

Now, I digress, this may seem more physical than magickal, but then again, the world of magick is a part of the physical as much as the physical is part of the magickal one. To imply that they are separate would be foolish, but to imply that they are wholly the same is equally foolish. Think of different components in a car. The Transmission and Engine are both the same car, but have different functions to yield different results. Despite this, they work together to get yourself moving.

Otherwise, there is a sure-fire indirect method of using magic to improve your health. By meditating to clear your mind (perhaps chanting some mantras or sutras), you will, after some point, become aware of your body to where you will understand what exactly you need to improve your health in the physical world. Through the wisdom gained in your meditation, apply what your awareness bestows upon you. And be sure to give thanks to the universe for having a system where learning how to become healthy is possible (an extra step, may or may not have an effect, but is still a good habit to build for personal reasons of giving gratitude when people help regardless).

Good luck! laugh.gif

Posted by: Goibniu Oct 5 2010, 09:07 PM

I don't know about rituals per se as much as practices, and exercises. Xenomancer mentions breath control which is part of many yogic and qigong practices. I do regular qigong practice and while I have suffered injuries, they heal up quicker than in most people, also the last time I even had a cold was 1994. Mind, body and spirit affect one another. Improving your qi or spiritual energy improves your physical health. But to do this you should practice regularly.

Posted by: Acid09 Oct 5 2010, 09:14 PM

Try to relax, light a white candle in front of you, close your eyes and visualize yourself being bathed in light that is warm and soothing. Visualize this light working its way from your head to your toes. Try to feel it inside of you, making you feel warm and visualize this light making you better, stronger and invigorated.

Posted by: konte Oct 6 2010, 07:49 AM

Thanks a lot guys! I find all your advices useful.

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