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 Sophia, Love, Passion & Fidelity Servitor
+ Kinjo -
post Mar 11 2005, 01:13 AM
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Bu Kek Siansu
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My firstborn experimental servitor named Sophia, created with 5 elements and 5 planetary influence. Born at the hour of Mercury at the peak current of the new moon. Sophia was programmed and designed to be an intelligent, seductive, persuassive, and self taught spirit according to it's associated influences and attributes.

Name: Sophia
True Name: ..**************.. my HOT button (IMG:style_emoticons/default/butcher.gif)
General Realm of Influence: Love, Passion & Fidelity
Specific Realm of influence: Promotes targets love, lust & fidelity to operator
Incense: Lavender (sandalwood/moon – secondary)
Colors: Yellow (air) & Red (fire) = Orange (Mercury)
Elemental Influence: Primary: Air – Secondary: the rest of the elements
Planetary Influence: Moon (silver), Mercury (orange), Venus (green), Sun (gold) Mars (red)
Primary Planetary Influence: Mercury
Animal: Phoenix
Hour: Mercury - Association: color orange, sphere of mercury affects mental body (operate via the moon sphere)
Elements: Air - LBRP (BRH, Fire) - Direction East
Day and Time of Creation: Thursday (mercury/jupiter) - 10 March 2005, start LBRP at 08.45 AM ended 10.15 AM – beginning hour of Mercury (peak current of new moon)

Abbreviated (Distilled) Statement of Intent:
Pythagorean System:
DEPNC OMIAT R LV US Y B = 45753 64912 9 34 31 7 2 = 75 = 2 = BYTh-house/Magus/Mercury/Yellow
Associations: feminine, even tempered, dual, persuasive, subtle, passive(covert) - receptive = absorbs/feeds energy, 2=1 & 3 etc.
Distilled further: 45736912 = 37 = 10 = 1 = ALP-ox/Fool/Air/Bright-Yellow
Associations: Single minded, originate and invent, independent, power, drive, determination, self-assertion, 2 & 3, trinity, unity, creation, etc.

Hebrew System:
DEPNC OMIAT RL V US Y B = 45853 74114 23 6 63 1 2 = 65 = 1
Distilled further: 45837126 = 36 = 9 = TYTh-serpent/Strength/Sun/Greenish-Yellow
Associations: Completeness, new born, spiritual & mental achievements, absoluteness, egostical, devotion, Yesod/Luna etc.

Primary Number: 2 - MYM/water
2 – 1 – 1 – 9 >>> 1, 2 & 9 = 2 = includes No.1 & No.3 >>> 1 + 2 x 3 = 9 - Pillar of mildness to Yesod > influence of astral/mental sphere - Atziloot, Briyah & Yetzirah (which suggest No.4 – Assiah > manifestation)

One is the number of essence. It is the symbol of identity, of equality, of existence, of conservation and of general harmony. Being without parts, a single unit announces order, peace and tranquility, which are founded on a unity of sentiments; consequently, one is a good principle. One represents new beginnings, new happenings, new potentials, self-completeness, beginnings, creativity, the individual and the positive.

The number two is the origin of contrasts, it is the symbol of diversity, of inequality, of division and of separation. Two is an evil principle, a number of bad omens, characterizing disorder, confusion and change. Two represents balances, a balance of energy, gentleness, nature, imagination, romance, couples and love.

Three is the first unequal; it is the number containing the most sublime mysteries, for everything is composed of three substances. It represents divinity, the soul of the world, the spirit of man. It is meditation, atonement, completeness--beginning, middle and end. Three represents creativity, activity, results, ambition, control and authority over others and moving forward.

Four, the first mathematical power, is also one of the chief elements. It represents the generating virtue, from which come all combinations; it is the perfect of numbers; it is the root of all things. This number gives the human soul its eternal nature. Four represents foundation, building, structure, stability, rest and health.

The square of three being nine, nine is regarded as the extent to which numbers would go with all others being embraced and revolving within it. Ten but recommences a fresh series capable of infinite expansion. Nine is regarded as sacred and represents fruition, accomplishment, courage, completion, high spirituality and is a good number to incorporate in all spells.

Appearance, Attributes and Persona: A beautiful demoness, smart and lively, light skin, long silky jet black hair, slender and physically seductive, attention to details, intelligent, creative, shift like a thought, collects and store intelligence, inflames passion, love, lust, fidelity - feed off and grew stronger, more intelligent with each diversity encountered. Created naked, but with her Venusians influence (beauty) she can be asked to summon any outlook the operator see fit, as well she seduces, persuade, warm, etc. Martian influence: cunning, fierce, determined and menacing when tearing down and feeding from hindrance, defenses and infidelity, etc. Persona Gallery

Moon influence: psychic powers, removes negativity and encourages stability; imagination, inspiration, intuition, retrieve secrets, etc. Sun: life-energy, power, protection, creativity, personal fulfillment, pride, leadership, friendship, growth, enhance energy & vitality, and to bring success and luck, etc. Mercury: intellect, cleverness, creativity, communications, divination, mental issues, learning, perception, information, mental powers, eloquence, wisdom, etc. Mars: desire and passion, courage, energy and vitality, loyalty, force, fierce aggression, determination, lust, power.

Also, note negative attributes also associated with each planetary influences. Moon - delusion | Mercury - dishonesty, deception | Venus - coldness, isolation, lechery | Sun - arrogance, bigotry, pride | Mars - anger, violence

Magical Weapons: a thunder and lightning trident as weapon of power, spears, swords, hooks, and shields. Demon red tail, razor sharp fangs, laser sharp claws (hidden and summoned at will) also surrounded by “Sphere of protection” at all time

Housing: Main Sigil with orange mercury kamea on the back. Laminated (shielded) Glass jar fumigated with lavender with target’s picture. Linked to a pair of silver rings (moon). Ritual residue on plastic bag buried toward sunrise, act as “grounding” for physical manifestation and as linked core of existence.

Energy Source: Target and operator energy. Personal feeding/attention – housing fumigation and energy generated from sex (if directed only).

Life Span: Lifetime of original creator or if original creator intentionally destroys its housings by calling her true name.

Method of Dissolution: Death of creator thus reabsorbing or intentionally destroying the entity's housings by original creator.

Symbolical Significances: Primarily an airy and mercurial spirit as suggested from it's original statement of intend, with other elements chosen for a creation of a balanced entity suitable for her task (at least as I thought so) Air and Mercury is closely associated with intelligence, communications, creativity, swiftness, etc. Designed to be an intelligent entity to swiftly learn + grow + master it’s associated planetary/elemental influences & attributes.


My Method of Creation
Improve as you see fit and what you think will work for YOU.

Tools and Equipment Needed:
Printer papers for sigils (1 main sigil, 2 for charging) Jar for housing, 8 joss sticks of Lavender Incenses, 1 sandalwood incense(or more to purify temple before ritual), 1 orange candle (2 inch diameter - 6 inch tall) and a pair of sterling silver ring (moon). 4 elemental representations: air: sandalwood incense - fire: 4 wooden matches with heads intact, burned opposites - water: glass of water - earth: 4 small green peebles.


Day before creation:
Dark Moon
Wednesday, hour of mercury. 08.30pm

Print out 2 copy sigils then proceed to ritual room – LBRP, MP. Sit and draw mercury kamea at the back of each sigil. Inscribe candle with entity name and true name with toothpick. Charge candle with clove oil (air) and put candle on altar over main sigil. Close.

Tools Consecration with the elements:
On the day and hour of Mercury: LBRP, Ross Cross, MP - Lift up tool (N)," o creature of N, before you can be given life, you must be made pure by the elements." Take N to east quarter and wave it above lid sandalwood incense 3 times, and declares "with all the power and virtues of the elements by the divine names of YHVH, I purify you with air and thou shall be clean" With pore breathing absorbs and project the qualities of the elements of air into sigil and rings. Do the same with each quarters - fire: 4 matches - water: glass of water, earth: 4 green pebbles. Return to altar, perform QC and direct energy of the spirit to finalize purification. Declare," O creature of N - now you have been made pure and suitable for this operation."


Day of creation:
New moon – peak of energy between dawn and sunset
Thursday 10 March 2005

Performed void meditation for 20 minutes, ritual bath, a small cup of mugwort –. Start at the beginning hour of Venus (08.45am). To be completed at the hour of mercury(09.15am).

Pair of rings and sigil placed on altar. Light 4 incense in the east.
Cast circle with LBRP, Ross Cross ritual and raise energy with MP + Bornless ritual."

Creation and Empowerment of Servitor Astral Body
1. Sit in front of altar and project to AstralTemple. Start with meditation and pore breathing – inhale pure energy and on exhale transmute energy to spread and glow within body. Accumulate and condense white cosmic spirit energy inside body until it is ablaze like a sun forming a sphere of bright brilliant light. Divine light from Kether will continuously "power up" the body of light for the rest of the operation.

2. Direct bright brilliant energy of the "spirit" and concentrate energy from kundalini raise it up to tan thien and to arms, then project and condense entity skeletal form in front of the operator.

3. Always walking clockwise, go to each 4 quarters evoking and directing energies from the pentagrams + archangels into the entity - each on it's own turn. as in LBRP charge with energy and divine names – starting from earth energy to it's legs, water - abdomen & groin, fire - chest & arms, air - head - Draw invoking pentagram around entity astral shell and let shell “absorbs” it's energies. See corresponding body parts charged and energized

4. Repeat step 1, and step 2 - with planetary colors, each on it's turn into it's planetary symbols. Contemplate and direct each 5 planetary qualities to the entity while doing this and as best as possible with associated emotions and planetary attributes. Seal with step No. 5

5. When symbol blazing and fully charged – with sign of the enterer, "seal" and “crash” each symbols into entity while vibrating associated divine names of the planets to selected body part of entity. Body zones and her representational form: Moon – Ajna. Mercury – both of front tights. Venus – both nipples. Sun: Navel. Mars – shoulder. See entity form even more charged and energizes while reaching gnosis and elimination of conscious thoughts for each charges. Entity should manifest to it's intended form and glowing with energies - waiting to come to life.

6. Accumulate divine energies again with each inhale and exhale breath life into the entity nostril and with strongest will and gnosis - very intensely visualize the form of the servitor, urges it to "come alive" until entity "awakens". When awaken, give entity it's Conjuration of Life, instructions etc.

7. Hold a copy of sigil on left hand and charge with semen (best with 3 or 4 drops of blood - daily for a period of time, but I just don't have the guts to cut myself (IMG:style_emoticons/default/fie.gif) ). Let dry. Note: at the hour of the sun 03.20pm, burn it - imagine energy enters and feeds Sophia.

8. Bring the entity to the physical plane and with strong will direct the entity on its pair of rings placed on top of sigil - See it absorbs disintegrate itself from its form to it's colors into sigil and rings. (a faint image of Sophia/her posture was seen standing above sigil – she was about 6 inches high) Main sigil placed face up on top of ring casing.

9. Place another sigil copy under candle nearby with orange candle so wax will melt on sigil. Burn 4 more lavender incenses. Close with QC and also direct the energy generated to it. Do not banish - imagine her energy isolated within and continue to grow as the candle flames burned down. Leave ritual room. Candle should burned down by night.

10. Next day, on Friday: day of Venus at 02.20pm: hour of mercury – Banish then wrap ritual residues (candle wax + 2 charged sigils with paper and bury (earth) toward sunrise to also attune entity to earth element. Make sure to note burial place for future destruction if needed. Banish. Laminate main sigil.

11. Entity feeding and “boot camp” time. Talk to her and “obsess” with it to make it grow stronger (sigils placed on various books, fumigate, feed, etc) from new moon and waxing moon - entity grows stronger and mature on the full moon. Obsess over and feed the entity often during these time.

12. In relation to No.11 - To send the servitor off on/after full moon, mentally see it enter the astral gateways and then visualize it flying away in the direction of the target. You will need to visualize its journey, as though you were traveling with it, and see it reach its target goal. Mentally direct it to establish the desired purpose. With time and repetition, Sophia then will learn from your example and will require no direction from you. Generally, "information" will be "transmitted" to you by Sophia through dreams, incidents, or feelings/impressions.

Creating Magickal Entities, Chicken Qabala, Dark Art, Familiar Spirits, The Witch Familiar, Summoning Spirits, Bardon's IHH, PME, Modern Magick, 777, Qabala/Tree of Life, Liber Kaos, various internet sources.

Note: Sophia can be evoked and invoked using any magickal methods available. If you cannot see her, watch your candle flames and sense of presence. In my experience, she was able to make flames to flicker and goosebumps when I asked her to give signs if she hears/understand me.

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post Mar 11 2005, 03:42 AM
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Ok, as a psi-vampire I'm not entirely on solid ground when it comes to ritual magic. Dealing mainly with energy in a "quick and dirty" sort of way, I was wondering how I might go about building my own servitor?

I have read stuff previously, although I've lost it now, on the physical (or perhaps I should say metaphysical?) construction of thoughtforms and servitors - but I can't recall exactly how it's done.

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The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 11 2005, 05:26 AM
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Bu Kek Siansu
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Care to explain what do you mean by "quick and dirty" sort of way?

On constructing servitor, it first came from a thought - which is why later it take form = thoughtform! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tomato.gif)
before it evolved into a servitor. Everything evolve and changing.

It takes an "obsession" to gives it a form and a life of it's own.

One of the way to start this "obsession" was to sigilize the intend. The library has a few thing on this where you can find out more. Actually the library has mostly everything you need to know about constructing one. From there, I've shared my own method which may serve as a referrence for your own method.

I hope this helps.

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post Mar 11 2005, 07:56 AM
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Well you would spend time devising a sigil to actualise your intent, I would just reach out and grab a handful of energy from someone or something (or myself if I'm feeling particularly good), and pump it into my aura with whatever intent I please.*
Quick and dirty.
So as you could imagine, slow and painstakingly devised magic is not my forte - and actually researching your sigil was a bit daunting for me.

That was a very bad joke by the way... but I get your meaning.

Actually, I'm quite impressed by your library. Contains quite a lot of good stuff. Something you might want to add to the gallery though are the planetary symbols (google searching for "planetary symbols" is irritating and generally only gets you half of them in any one link).

*I'm thinking that because I deal with energy as a physical medium of expression, it might be possible to build a servitor "by hand" rather than by ceremony - but that would be tricky as hell.

This post has been edited by Zahaqiel: Mar 11 2005, 10:58 AM

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The value of an individual is not numerically assignable. Given the individual's infinite capacity to affect change (for better or for worse), it follows that their value is just as infinite. Logically then, not only are all individuals of equal value, but all possible combinations and groupings of individuals are of equal value, and finally, no matter an individual's past actions, their capacity to affect positive change is not diminished.

The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 11 2005, 11:05 AM
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Bu Kek Siansu
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Sophia was "started" from 25 Feb2005 as a sigil, and was charged + burned to the aether - I researched on how to create a servitor for about a week and created her on 10 March 2005. The articles on the the library helps and I added my new findings there too - as well using amazon "search inside book" feature for a quick peek (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Just to give you an idea.

I've tought of adding planetary symbols which will be included in the current planetary correspondence on "Reference"section, but I'll need to custom made it to fit site template - will get to it soon.

I think it is possible to create servitor as long you direct your thoughts and energy to it. Keep in mind that creating servitor can be as simple or as complicated as you want. I consider myself to be "complicated" - so my work reflected this too (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post Mar 12 2005, 07:13 AM
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Hmm... thanks for the advice. When I have some free time, I'll do some tinkering and see what I can come up with.

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The value of an individual is not numerically assignable. Given the individual's infinite capacity to affect change (for better or for worse), it follows that their value is just as infinite. Logically then, not only are all individuals of equal value, but all possible combinations and groupings of individuals are of equal value, and finally, no matter an individual's past actions, their capacity to affect positive change is not diminished.

The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 12 2005, 04:56 PM
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Bu Kek Siansu
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Good luck Zahaqiel,

Here is a cross post with additional info on Sophia.

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post Mar 13 2005, 08:59 AM
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Here we go...

A few years back I came across a page on the construction of thought-forms and constructs. I finally found it again!

Methinks I might go with a sigil... might help me somewhat in focusing specific intent into its "anatomy".


Ok... this is what I've done. I used energy from my breathe to form the mind - then I pulled energy from the heavens, and coerced it to resemble mercury (for my servitor's messenger aspect), pluto (for the questing aspect) and jupiter (for the learning aspect).
From there, I pulled energy from the earth to make a form around the mind (a cat), and then energy from the heavens again, coercing it to resemble venus (for poise) and saturn (for structure). Then I bounded the whole thing in fiery energy, and it sort of jumped off my lap and out the room.

I haven't named him though... so that might present some trouble. I'll wait for him to come back and see if I can add that.

Edit edit: Ok, so he seems to like my lap. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) I think I'll call him Mogget.

Edit edit edit: Argh! How do you keep these things under control? Mogget's insane - keeps sitting on me (which makes my different chakras ache depending on where he sits - especially when he sits on my head), and doesn't listen to orders.

This post has been edited by Zahaqiel: Mar 13 2005, 09:59 AM

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The value of an individual is not numerically assignable. Given the individual's infinite capacity to affect change (for better or for worse), it follows that their value is just as infinite. Logically then, not only are all individuals of equal value, but all possible combinations and groupings of individuals are of equal value, and finally, no matter an individual's past actions, their capacity to affect positive change is not diminished.

The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 13 2005, 08:51 PM
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Bu Kek Siansu
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Mogget? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Make a new thread if you wish to discuss (him?) and keep on topic pls. To keep things under control simply KNOW that you are in control. You created it and you control it. I treat Sophia like a human being, with respect - but I also will treat her like a servant that she is and strongly will her to do what I assigned her to do. She know's loud and clear that I would not hesitate for a second to destroy her if she proves to have not perform what I asked her.

A few days ago, I was testing her capabilities and asked to give me a good dream (whatever it is) before I went to sleep. She did induces me to have 2 of them, a prophetic and loving dream. The last one actually made me to giggle on my sleep - it was lucid too.

I haven't got a need to assign anything else for her to do now, but will spend a few times reloading her to help her mature. Hopefully she'll be an egregore some time in the near future or even be condensed to such a degree that I (or other people) be able to see her without much astral senses.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 13 2005, 09:01 PM
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Bu Kek Siansu
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Time nor space does not effect a servitor like Sophia, however, I'm "giving time" for Sophia to "mature" until this coming full moon for a reason I'd like to elaborate here or use this info I'm about to share in anyway you wish.

Sophia effectiveness depended on my mental maturity and consequently my ability to condense the elements, as it also depends on my will, conviction and faith in this operation. Being my first time, during these time of her infancy until the full moon (and beyond) I will take time to reload her elements to help her mature and pass the period of being a mere astral junk. Such a repetition of the loading will be also necessary against problems she'd encounter that would exceed her tension and power.

I am thinking that if I keep working with her (and anyone who wants to help to power her up) Sophia may naturaly be condensed to such a degree that it becomes visible even to an untrained physical eye.

For anyone who wish to participate and help reload her to maturity (or for ideas to create your own), I'd like to share how I would condense and power her up:

Take note that Sophia has 5 elements with element spirit as her astral shell and 5 planetary influence (moon, mercury, venus, sun and mars) as her realm of influence, attributes and persona.

First, place her sigil and evoke her by calling her name to appear before you - shift as thought she may come and form in astral body - usually standing above her sigil (or in front of you - she's slender and about 175 cm tall - if you're working in your astral temple) - greet and start to work with her elements starting in this order and body zones: air > legs, water > abdoment and groin area, fire > chest, shoulder and arms, - air > head area and finally draw an invoking spirit pentagram around her and let the element of spirit empower & balance all the elements. Then immediately work with her planetary energies into plastic symbols and charge it toward her body parts/zones I've "tattoed" into her thus completing the charging and condensation operation. Body zones and her representational form - image weblink.

Step 1: Working with the Elements
In between you and Sophia, draw the desired element one at a time from the universe with the help of your imagination from cosmic matter of which you shape to an enormous ball of light in front of you, compressing, condensing and accumulating it more and more with the respective elements until this ball has the size of approximately 12-20 inches. Connect your imagination of feelings with the specific quality of the element: fire forming the idea of heat, water that of cold, air of lightness, and the earth of gravity. For example, if you work with air, imagine with the strongest will, feeling and conviction you're loading and condensing this ball/sphere with air, feel the lightness of air, in the color and other attributes you associate air with - when working with fire, see this ball glowing with red hot fire, feel the heat, etc. When you're convinced that the ball is fully charged and condensed - then with creative imagination direct these energies you draw from the universe toward her body zones mentioned above.

Note: If you're working with Sophia, do NOT transmute or direct energy from your personal energy toward her, and always draw energies from the cosmic/universe. Theoritically, if you project energy transmuted from your body into her (instead transmuting energies in front of you), then when I, as the original creator destroys her if she turns rouge - the energy you sent to/for her may boomerang back to you which may cause unwanted psychic and physical problems.

Step 2: Working with Planetary influences
Same concept as above, but instead of a sphere of light/ball in the elements detailed above - evoke the plastic planetary symbol in it's color floating before you - remember to draw and direct energies from the cosmic instead from your own. Impregnate and condense this floating plastic symbol with planetary attributes each on it's own turn, feelings and projecting qualities of the planetary influence into it. Example: When working with Venus, evoke the feelings you associated with love, gentleness, beauty, seduction etc from the universe into the symbol in front of you until it feel charged, ablaze and well condensed before you direct it toward her corresponding body zone to power it up. Similar to steam producing a higher pressure when being compressed, the flesh, bones and the skin of the single part of the body have to be penetrated with the element.


Expect about 2 hours to do the above. You can tell how good a work you've done by the sense of her presense and energies after charging her. This is a good time to give your charge/instruction and send her off through the astral gateway she came from.

When sending Sophia to do her piece of work, do not forget that there are no bounds for her - she is designed to come and go as shift as a thought. Neither time nor space can put obstacles in the way of her, and she would be able to go around the globe in an instant if necessary. You have to be firmly convinced that it will execute your order and obey your will within the time you have fixed, without any exception. Not the slightest doubt about the success must ever enter your mind. As soon as you have forwarded her, cut off the connecting link between you and Sophia as suddenly as if you had used a knife, and stop thinking of it instantly after sending it off. You may have to transfer yourself into a state of vacancy of mind, or give your attention to other things. In short, you must forget her altogether. The more skillfully you manage this, the more pervasively and undisturbed the she will work.

Whether or not she has done her job you've assigned her, you can find out by approaching her sigil with a pendulum. You can even make pendulum from a nail and thread if you have to (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) Candle flames will also work. Evoke her to her sigil and the pendulum should present vibrations because an entity has a remarkable magnetic as well as electrical radiation. If the pendulum does not show any vibration, it either will prove that the she still is working because the job is not yet finished or she encountered problems where you need to power her up to counter it using the same method described above.

Storage and Handling (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)
- Do not let anyone but you to touch her sigil (and do not tell anyone charges you've instructed her).
- Do not wrap her sigil in silk - I use glossy printer paper and laminated it - (microwave plastic works fine too) you can also house/store her sigil instead anywhere/anything corresponding to Mercury, or a Lavender fumigated glass jar/glass jar painted orange on the inside.
- Treat and talk to her exactly the same way as if you were dealing with any human being. Note her (negative) associations for clues.
- You can also charge with blood and/or semen (best mixed) and direct the energies into your copy of her sigil but please - pretty please - if she turns YOU on - Do NOT have astral sex with her as a way for you to achieve orgasm and feed her. I do NOT want her to end up to be a vampire and developed a habit of seducing me and others for our life force.
To charge with blood and/or semen, take a small consecrated offering cup/plate and store blood/semen in it close to sigil, while directing energies from the cup entering her sigil and her astral body. Leave offering for a day or so in a close approximity to the sigil to feed. Instead of cutting yourself to get blood, ask someone (or go to a clinic) to take about 5 - 10 ml of blood with a NEW needle to withdraw blood (needle is inserted into a vein, not an artery) and transfer the energies asap to cup and to sigil before its energies completely evaporate/dry.

Offices of Sophia:
To inflame love, passion and fidelity to current relationship. To fetch a lover/partner/mate suitable for your vibrations. To teach the art of power and seduction. To improve your personal magnetism to opposite sex, help cure frigidity and impotence (mental/physical), remove and eliminate hindrance, return lost lover, heal broken heart, etc - pls refer to her planetary influences and associations.

For a specific target: acquire a picture of target, with red waterproof marker, write target's full name and birthday 9 times on the back and then cross over (forming +) it with your own full name and birthday. A lil old basic candle magick: place her sigil face up on altar, place picture face down - and 2 x 6 inch orange candle on top of it (charged with clove oil, carve intend and SOPHIA on candle with toothpick) burn down and bury residue toward sunrise at the hour of her planetary influences - pick one - or without a candle, simply house them on a consecrated jar then fumigate with Lavender incense + intend. Hint: Imagine Sophia enters and influence/seduces target's astral body thus fullfilling your desire.

For other uses: Simply ask/talk to her or use your imagination. ie: I'm a martial artist and I'm going to teach and use her martian influence + her magical weapons to spar with.

All techniques and methods described are not and "never" important here. Your intend, focus, faith and attention is.

This "modern grimoire" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blush2.gif) I've written here is my theories adapted from various sources. I'm still experimenting with her and are open to critics/corrections/advices, etc. Also, please let me know how it works out for you.

When you're done with her, simply thank, dismiss and send her off to the astral gateway by burning her sigil and with imagination, direct the smokes to the gateway where she came from to return to her beloved Master Kinjo.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 16 2005, 09:00 AM
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Bu Kek Siansu
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I just found this on the net: Sophia, Archangel of Love That's news to me (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lol_2.gif)

I also added Sophia Persona Gallery simply for the fun of doing it.

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post Mar 16 2005, 09:39 AM
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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Lending credence to the "advertising for the right spirit" theory.

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The value of an individual is not numerically assignable. Given the individual's infinite capacity to affect change (for better or for worse), it follows that their value is just as infinite. Logically then, not only are all individuals of equal value, but all possible combinations and groupings of individuals are of equal value, and finally, no matter an individual's past actions, their capacity to affect positive change is not diminished.

The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 16 2005, 09:44 AM
Post #13

Bu Kek Siansu
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True, magick does happen in set's of "coincidence" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 17 2005, 11:13 AM
Post #14

Bu Kek Siansu
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This one took about 12 hours to make today: Sophia 1024x 768 Wallpaper

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/1238.gif) A really good way to charge her.

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post Mar 17 2005, 11:28 AM
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Now that is funky.

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The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 18 2005, 10:24 AM
Post #16

Bu Kek Siansu
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Temple of Sophia created here

In total, 4 different resolutions (800x600 | 1024x768 | 1152x864 | 1280x720) and 4 different designed wallpapers added. I hope you enjoy it.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 23 2005, 09:10 AM
Post #17

Bu Kek Siansu
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I didn't feel I reloaded Sophia enough as I planned to. Been lazy to do so or probably I've drained a lot of my energies when I first created her? I did reload her twice with the same method for about an hour each apart from charging her sigil. Either way, I need to learn to make use and manipulate other energies than my own and not kick my own butt.

I had released her on some intelligent gathering task, earlier than I planned for. However, I thought it would be a good idea to start her off with a "simple" tasks and let her gradually grow before her "official release" on this coming 26 March 2005.

As an armchair magician, I have never used a pendulum before but I did tried to communicate with Sophia a few days ago with it, asking one or two questions. I used a needle, with a black sewing thread tied to a button on the other end. Well, it should work. Resting my elbow on the altar, I hanged the pendulum right above her sigil conjuring and asking a few questions.

The pendulum results was weak and I didn't really get an affirmative answer. I asked questions and conjured her for about 5 minutes until I get bored. Well, patience has not been one of my virtue. However, I noted one "involuntary" swing of the neddle which indicate some kind of magnetism/response. She's there allright, but somehow either the inexperience me who needs practice with the pendulum, or she's not mature enough to "talk"? Thoughts?

Two days later, which is today; it is interesting to note that I DID find the answer to what I was asking her. It was not an everyday question I've asked her and it's unlikely I find it on my own. But I did. Coincidence?

Thinking about my first "pendulum questions" to her was," are you there? are you there? are you there? " got butterflies tickling on my belly now. She definately was there YELLING at me trying to make herself heard to my deaf astral ears (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rofl.gif)

Working magick with no astral senses is sucks and embarrasing. Probably it's time to get up from my armchair and start doing the excercises properly (IMG:style_emoticons/default/13.gif)

Will do energy work for these last 3 days consequtively before full moon to "finalize" her programs starting tonight.

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post Mar 23 2005, 12:33 PM
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I find pendulums to be a little... interesting. I've used them, with mixed results. Specifically, it's given me wrong answers (a wrong answer, that at the time I thought was right), and... declined to answer questions.

An instance of the second one:
"Are you my subconscious answering me?"
*pendulum goes deader than I could have made it*
"Are you going to answer that last question?"

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The value of an individual is not numerically assignable. Given the individual's infinite capacity to affect change (for better or for worse), it follows that their value is just as infinite. Logically then, not only are all individuals of equal value, but all possible combinations and groupings of individuals are of equal value, and finally, no matter an individual's past actions, their capacity to affect positive change is not diminished.

The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 23 2005, 03:03 PM
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I just did it, the longest ritual ever I ever done. Three and a half hour straight! I did really took my time and my back is damn aching and I need some rest. Will share the details from my journal tommorow.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 24 2005, 07:12 AM
Post #20

Bu Kek Siansu
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Entry from my Journal 24/03/05
Commenced the reloading of entity Sophia.
Ritual shower at 22.30pm – Purification: Thou shalt purge me with hyssop o Lord, and I shall be clean. Thou shalt wash me and I’ll be whiter than snow. Commence on ritual room, declared Heykas Heykas este Bebeloy! (be far away from this place ye all profane) light lavender incense, and start with light meditation – inhaling and exhaling energies from lung and pores.

On 00.00AM performed QC, LBRP, MP, Solar Ritual. I noticed a mini earthquakes – I’m guessing it came from around heart, solar plexus, and tan thien chakras – definitely not my stomach screaming for food! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/13.gif) The vibrations was similar, if not the same, as the vibe I experienced on my attempts on AP/OBE, only weaker. While performing solar ritual also felt the stronger moving of warm golden sun energies – slightly glowing red/golden larva like? (energies felt like a combo of magnetic and electric/kinetic?) Solar energy was stored in tan thien – condensing it there as best as I could. Performed QC to seal. – still in trance, I have to add more lavender (burned out) in the east end of the circle. Time: One hour and a half? I forgot to bring my stopwatch inside the circle (IMG:style_emoticons/default/8.gif)

Elements of the Quarters.
Wand posture and proceeded to Astral Temple – Pore breathing, draw energy from the farthest universe and noticed a much “heavier” energy coming (sucked in) my way and entered flesh like a sponge with water(energies). A magnetized/pressurized feeling of these energies was felt on many parts of my skin and within. It does felt like the skin is “breathing in”. Imagined the energies glowed with bright light and burned away impurities and will it to glow stronger like the sun. The feeling of warm was felt – Continue and expand these energies outward to my sphere of circle – to the farthest ends of the universe. My closed eye lids noticed a vision of “subjective?” glow of bright light (a brief combo of white, red, yellow colors? was seen as the light of energies are leaving my body.

On impulse, I decided to try something different this time. On astral temple, I performed QC, and LBRP again, to raise and use energies within the LBRP > Drew the pentagrams with it’s corresponding colors on each quarters with my phurpa. Moving widdershin back to the center of the circle. Summoned the ring she astrally reside and see her manifest into her true form. Proceed. Before me, “Raphael” and literally asked the archangel Raphael to help provide energies required to condense and reload Sophia. Imagine he wave his caucedeus wand and a yellow wind like energies coming my way – with pore breathing I absorbed it, condensing it within me into a bright yellow. At this point I my minds eyes will literally see yellow! While at the same time contemplating the lightness nature of air. Felt more charged, I lift my astral hands to both side of my head, preparing to give the sign of the enterer. My astral hand and my physical hand, and everything above chest was actually felt loaded with energies at this point. It was “heavy”. Vibrating YHVH I performed the sign of the enterer, pointing hands and directing energies toward both feet of Sophia. The energies was “violently” projected – pore breathing continued to help push/drive out and I freezed in this position until I felt “emptied” from the air elements. Sign of silence to seal. Noticed me and Sophia actually having this “mini earthquakes” within while transferring these energies. It is interesting for me to note that the release of these energies are similar to the release of physical “power”. I am a martial artist, and it felt like executing a jumping roundhouse kick, but while in the air and about to “explode” the kick, the energies – in slow motion- simply was sucked in into my target.

Finishing the air element, I declared, “behind me GABRIEL” and do the same until I’m done with all 4 elements. Then declared,” And around me flames the pentagram” – visualized a bright invoking pentagram being drawn around my body, willed Sophia to stand right in front of me and “shrink” the pentagram energies into her. Declared,”and within me shines the six rayed star” – star of david emerged brightly from within my chest, blazing for a second then I projected it into Sophia’s. Willed her form to glow, mixing the previous energies, condensing into one, and energized.

Planetary Elements
Drawing again from farthest corners of the cosmic – like the black hole, I sucked in the silver energies/qualities/attributes of the moon. Same method and concept as the above (original) to the last planetary energies. Note: My pore breathing skill felt better. I used to be able to only draw energies with each INhale. However, the energies just sink right into my skin no matter how I breath it. It doesn’t seem the Lung drawing it, but the pure intend and will.

Repeated her programming, and closed the temple.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 25 2005, 01:41 AM
Post #21

Bu Kek Siansu
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I actually send her off on an another "errand" last night right after the programming, and guess what - I dreamt of the result of her work last night. That was a quick answer! I have no lust of result, and had clear my mind after sending her off/ritual. My subsconscious playing tricks? I hope not.

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 28 2005, 04:48 PM
Post #22

Bu Kek Siansu
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1 day before full moon > I run out of fuel. Simply was very hard to concentrate but I've done the best I could (1,5 hours)
Full moon > Energies was accumulated better, but her first day of final reload are still the best I've ever done (2 hours). Gave her final programming and immediately sent her off to the astral gateway.

She's out.

Let me know your results.

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post Mar 30 2005, 07:28 PM
Post #23

Gone But Not Forgotten
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Greetings Kinjo!
First: (IMG:style_emoticons/default/clapping.gif)
Second: Hmmmmm.....I know that the creation of these things (no offense) is highly rewarding creatively but I'm waiting to see some old fashioned common sense (no offense) If you've read Bardon on the subject, as well as any number of plagarists, the use of Sophia's sigil really shouldn't be published for all to see. She is a goodlooking little thing but anyone worth their salt as a mage could ascertain her components with that sigil and thereby, able to construct a perfect null for it. Not only that, they could use her to attack you through her. My post here is only cautionary. I think that I picked up on her two nights ago whilst trying desperately to sleep. (Ah....to really sleep...) Your work is absolutely commendable and I'm not trying to patronize nor condescend. Please examine your motives and your need for her....she may be already growing independent. That being said, if you wish for some good foundational exercises in developing your astral senses, Ive got any number of them I'd be glad to share...You have my private email with my registration, I'd love to hear from you. BTW, if today is your bday, Happy Bday! =bym

Rest in Peace Bym.

~The Sacred Magick Management

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+ Kinjo -
post Mar 30 2005, 07:45 PM
Post #24

Bu Kek Siansu
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Hi Bym,
That is possible, however, wouldn't they be able to contruct one themself other than using mine? I'm a martial artist and I am good at it because I take a lot of beating in my early training, so I wouldn't mind getting good at magick too (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) actually welcome it. Hardship makes a man.

She's experimental and I can always destroy and recreate her at will - Bardon does gives a method to do this if she turns rouge, also, one of my experiement was to see if she really will obey my will with her true name which I kept only for myself.

Care to share the details of your experience with her please?

Email sent, and thanks for the help!

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+ Kinjo -
post Apr 2 2005, 08:20 PM
Post #25

Bu Kek Siansu
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Well, the *attack* came and Sophia main sigil turned to ashes a few days ago.

Actually - I left a burning candle on my tiny altar and it burn out almost everything in it. I had to re-import my phurba casing as the flame burns it, clean and brush my phurba, reconsecrate it. The plastic jar is simply gone along with the sigil in it. FUBAR.
I am most pissed the fire eats the silver rings as it has some values in it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

Sophia is dead? Not sure, since she's still in my head and I got another dream the day after the accident giving me a few pieces of intelligence I sent her out for.

What do you think? an attack or simply an accident? Is she dead? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/goodnight.gif)

Either way, I will reload her soon and recreate her sigil when I'm in a good mood. Phoenix never die (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post Jun 20 2005, 05:06 PM
Post #26

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So, when you "make" a servitor, you can actually see it?!? Wow, I have never had anything magickal in my life happen before, so I was excited to hear this. So, when you make one, can you talk to it and stuff? And when you need to do you just think about it? Since it is a thoughtform? Sorry if these questions were already answered, didn't see it when I skimmed the page. And when you make one, can you desing it to do anything you want? Like a magick "booster", or a finance thing, or something like that?

"I am alone: there is no God where I am."
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+ Kinjo -
post Jul 4 2005, 12:00 PM
Post #27

Bu Kek Siansu
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My astral senses is not as developed as I want it yet but I "will" and see her astral body in my temple. IF you believe the entity is real then you can talk to it in your mind (astrally). Another way of looking at servitors is they're metaprograms for our subconscious and assist us to do anything we can possibly think of. So you can pretty much create a servitor for anything.

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post Feb 28 2006, 03:45 PM
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I have to say that Sophia is gorgeous hehe, I think i could fall in love with her myself (IMG:style_emoticons/default/oops.gif) lol.

Seriously, is she still active because i might try to evoke her myself one day when i learn enough to do so.

Also has anyone else used her yet if so is she good??

Best wishes


aka Guardian (from occultforums.com)

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post Mar 1 2006, 09:19 PM
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Hi Iried, I can tell you that I've not used or work with her since my last post there. I'm not sure if anyone is using her either but you can try (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

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post Apr 20 2006, 08:58 PM
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