I have about 160GB of esoteric books and essays in .pdf format. I am actively trying to sort them and title them appropriately.
As I go through them I am going to try to post links to the publicly-available ones for those who are collectors.
Last night I did a whole bunch of work on the Chaos Magic section of the collection.
I got a chance to re-read Faust-2005-The Magician as Spiritual Anarchist (publicly available athttp://tinyurl.com/p53d5uy ).
I also got a chance to start on King-1976-Techniques of High Magic (publicly available athttp://tinyurl.com/5tfr76r ). This one is almost 40 years old but it appears to be well thought out. It is actually a Ceremonial Magic book that I had miscategorized in my collection but it is very interesting. I am finding it to be a very advanced Ceremonial Magic guide. It seems to be a hybridization of the Golden Dawn system and the Enochian system. The Golden Dawn system is difficult until you are familiar with it, but layering the Enochian system on top really makes it cumbersome and dense. Still, the basic principles presented seem to be entirely sound from a Ceremonial Magic perspective.
There is a very interesting description of a Geomancy technique. I have found divination to be one of the first things that a new practitioner should add to their studies, but I think this one much too ungainly for regular usage. That being said, I'm going to have to give it a shot eventually just for curiosities sake.
If anyone is looking for a specific text and having trouble finding it, I would be happy to search my collection for you.